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Hello and welcome to Healing Tree Consultants...

We encourage you to visit all our pages as each one has a plethora of information either about us or about our clients or pages such as the testimonials page which will give you hope and encouragement regardless what you may be going through!

Also notice we have other goodies to offer the visitor under our Contact, Links and Documents pages.

We can hold consultations in three ways.

  1. Via telephone conversation.

  2. Via a live chat facility.

  3. Via a consultation meeting with you in a comfortable location.

We are a member of Natural Healthcare Practitioners Success Association








Herbs were the very first actual applied medicine and has been around for thousands of years. The use of plants goes all the way back to the biblical days of old using such things as figs, hyssop and cedar wood. Applied correctly, and utilizing the most effective selection of herbs, herbal use can prove to be as effective or more effective than drug use and non-destructive to the body.

Nutrition is considered to be the base element of one's recovering from disease and lack thereof, to be a basic cause of many illnesses. The true naturopathic practitioner always begins by looking at the diet of one who is ill. As Hippocrates said so eloquently, It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”

Nutritional Supplementation
Nutritional supplements should only be applied when the immune and total constituion is so weak that relying solely on nutrition from food will not be quick enough to bring the results required for healing and needed for other parts of the assistance to perform at 100% efficiency. Supplements can include vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, or other naturally based items aside from herbs.  Nutritional supplentation should hold second place to dietary supplementation.

Stress Reduction
Stress comes in many forms and many causes and it takes an experienced practitioner to determine the effects it's having on the client's internal organs, body or mind. The main problem with most clients is neglect of reducing or doing away with the source of it regardless of the harm it is doing to the person.


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